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Femme Goddess Co. is an autonomous community centered organization deeply committed to empowering Black, Indigenous, Queer, Trans, Womxn, Femmes, Gender Expansive and or Gender Non-Conforming Folks of Color as they free themselves from deep seated colonial mentality, break cycles of internalized oppression and heal generations of trauma.

Through various creative mediums, wellness offerings, and a lifestyle brand, Femme Goddess Co. centers radical healing and revolutionary love as a means for our personal and collective liberation.



‘Femme Goddess’ signifies a rebirth - shedding of skin, reconnecting with source within me, celebrating my magic and stepping into my power. It embodies a deep love and adoration of the entirety of my being. 

‘Femme’ is a queer identity that is characterized by a very bold, in-your-face, feminine gender expression which challenges traditional notions of femininity. Thus, ‘Femme’ is a political reclamation- as femininity is often associated with being submissive and compliant. I refuse to make myself small for the comfort of others even if I am seen as “too much”. As a high femme, I consciously choose to celebrate my queerness and unapologetically embrace how ‘extra’ I am. ‘Femme’, however, is not limited to aesthetics or how I decide to present. More importantly, it is reclaiming the divine feminine energy that I embody. I assert myself as a soft, tender and powerful being in a world that has held me hostage, enslaved me and stripped me away from my direct connection to spirit.


A ‘Goddess’ is a carrier of wisdom, a healer. It is someone who harnesses the power of their life force energy. Who recognizes that everything they need is within themselves. Who serves as a vessel through which spirit and ancestral knowledge flows through. A 'Goddess' is a cosmic, magical, sacred and divine spiritual being. Who transcends into their higher self. One that is continuously evolving. I honor my intuitive gifts as medicine and worship myself by embodying the energy of 'Femme Goddess'.

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Our work consists of wellness offerings, art programming and cultural production. The offerings include Guidance Sessions, Community Care Circles, Wellness Workshops, and Healing Retreats. Art programming consists of Visionaries Reading Group, Medicina Open Mic, Ticiyotl Art Exhibit, and Papalotl Fashion Show. Cultural production entails original short films, a radio podcast and an annual zine publication.


Cihuateotl is a mesoamerican dieti - an embodiment of the cyclical process of death and creation. They are celestial beings who live in the West - Cihuatlampa and serve as conduits between the physical and spiritual realms. Cihuateotl is used to translate Femme Goddess to nahuatl. While Cihuatl most commonly translates to woman, I reclaim and expand our understanding of Cihuatl to embody feminine energy - that which we all have within us no matter of our gender identity. Teotl translate to god, in this case goddess. The spirit of Femme Goddess Co. or Colectivo Cihuateotl embodies this energia.

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