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Social Media Intern '19

Hola, I am Andrea, and currently, I am studying Psychology at California State University Channel Island. I am passionate about Psychology and humans in all kinds of ways! My goal is to complete my undergraduate degree and aspire to earn a high education.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I am a twin!

Acceptance to Graduate School

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Project Coordinator '19

Hola, I am Ellen and my education includes studying Child Development and minoring in Psychology at Mount Saint Mary's University. I am passionate about children and making a difference in the community. My goal with mental health is to help decrease the stigma that surrounds the LatinX community. My mission as a lifelong learner is to educate myself so I can educate others.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Acceptance to Graduate School

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Editorial and Copyright Intern '19

Salam! I am Marjan and I am majoring in Psychology. My goal is to pursue higher education and become a Clinical Psychologist. In particular, I want to help others so they can reach their full potential and live a fulfilling life.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I am a total foodie!

Acceptance to Graduate School

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Intern_ Chris


Business Development '19

Hola, my name is Christian! I received my Bachelor of Arts at California State University, Northridge in Business Management with a minor in Finance. I am passionate about business, law, and politics, because I want to help the Latinx community prosper with education. Above all, my goal is to be a successful entrepreneur and give back to community.

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Fun Fact: I hate cats. They're creepy.

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Intern_ Sandra


Systems Development Intern '19

Hola, my name is Sandra! I am majoring in Psychology and Religious Studies and will receive my Bachelor of Arts at California State University, Northridge Fall 2019. I am passionate about psychology and therapy, because I want to help others be happy and live their best lives. Above all, my goal is to receive higher education in psychology so that I can provide mental health service to others in need, in addition to becoming a professor in order to conduct my own research with the goal of creating new treatment for patients in dire need of mental health.

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Information Technology Intern '19


Graphic and Digital Design '19

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Hola, my name is Jessica! I am currently in the last semester of my undergraduate career at California State University Northridge, as a Psychology major. I am passionate about helping people and enjoy advocating for mental health. I hope to eventually serve my community by becoming a therapist and provide tools to assist with enriching their quality of life.

Pronounds: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I love watching psychological thrillers!


Hola, my name is Daniela! I major in Family Studies and Chicano(a) Studies and will receive my Bachelor of Arts at California State University, Northridge in 2020. I am passionate about giving back to my community, because I want to help break the on-going cycles and stigmas that affect the Latinx community. Above all, my goal is to mentor at-risk youth whether it is with mental health or helping them aim for higher education.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I love to paint and draw.

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Research and Data Intern '19

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Fun Fact: 

Acceptance to Graduate School

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Video and Media  '19

Hi! My name is Oscar. I am currently attending Glendale Community College with a major in media. I plan to pursue a career in the advertising business with Marvel Studios. I am passionate about learning more abut this field so one day I can advertise movies and games. My goal is to transfer to University of Southern California and be the first in my family to graduate.

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Fun Fact: My eyes are different colors!

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Interior Design Intern '19

¿Qué tal? My name is Andreina and my specialty consists of fashion marketing and management. I have a passion for fashion, in addition to being a business enthusiast. My mission is to assist business enthusiast and individuals to market themselves and grow to reach their fullest potential.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I love greek mythology!

Monica Hurtado Torres Intern at Vida The


Web Design Intern '19

Hola, my name is Monica.

I received my Bachelor's in Chicana(o) Studies and Sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles. I am a Spiritual Coach and provide various other offerings specifically for Black, Indigenous, Quee, Trans People of Color. 'Femme Goddess Co.' centers radical healing and revolutionary love as liberation

Pronouns: Ella/She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I have a creative spirit and love using art as a tool for empowerment.

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Public Relations Intern '19

Hola, my name is Yanira.

I graduated from California State University, Los Angeles with a Bachelors of Arts in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations. I am currently pursing a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. My goal is to specialize in chronic illness, depression, and anxiety. I also hope to be a published writer in the future.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I love


Acceptance to Graduate School

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Content Creation Intern '19

Hola, my name is Maggie.

I am currently a student at the University of Califonia, Los Angeles double majoring in Chicanx Studies and Gender Studies. I am passionate about empowering my community and providing resources to folks that have been historically underrepresented. I hope to be someone that others can look up to regardless of background. I also hope to one day pursue a career in counseling while also keeping an open mind!

Pronouns: Ella/She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I love sopa de fideo!

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Community Outreach '19

Parev! My name is Carin and I am a senior at Mount Saint Mary's University studying Clinical and Counseling Psychology. My goal is to earn  Psy.D to become a therapist and professor! I am passionate about mental health and breaking the taboo revolving around Psychology in the Armenian culture.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I am bilingual in Aremenian and English!

Acceptance to Graduate School



Human Resources '19

Hola, My name is Samantha! I am currently working on my Bachelor's degree in Psychology from California State Northridge. I am passionate about people and learning how they function efficiently in their uniqueness. My goal is to enter the Human Resources field and work with employers that truly care for their employees. Ultimately, I hope to open a coffee shop of my own one day alongside good friends of mine who paint, write, bake and cook.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I have never cut a cake until recently and it was a disaster!

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Client Outreach '19

Hola! My name is Karen and I am a recent graduate of California State University Northridge with a degree in Psychology and a minor in child and adolescent development. I am passionate about helping others around me due to experiencing limited resources in my youth. My goal is to complete a masters program which allow me to decrease the large stigma within therapy in the Latinx community.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I was a tomboy growing up!

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Content Creation '19

Hola, my name is Sonia Pulido! I am a graduate of California State University, Northridge and earned my Bachelors of Art in Psychology. I am passionate about advocating for mental health awareness in the Latinx community because I want to help my community transgress their fear towards therapy. My goal is to obtain a master's degree in marriage and family therapy in order to add the prospering atmosphere of my commuunity.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I played softball for 9 years!

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Social Media Intern '20

Hi! My name is Krystalie and I am first generation Vietnamese American student in my last quarter at University of California Riverside, studying Media and Cultural Studies. I am passionate about social media marketing and have had extensive experience surrounding marketing, graphic design, and human relations, as well as customer service promoting children's welfare. My career interests lie at the intersection of creativity and education. I hope to eventually be able to creatively promote student wellness and educational equity working for a non-profit organization that helps life empower my community. Ensuring that I keep myself mentally healthy is an important aspect in what has helped me accomplish special feats in my life. I truly believe that we all have some mental decluttering to do and taking the step to do so is so beneficial to achieving the life we want to live.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

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Social Media Intern '20

Xin Chao, I am Tiffany. I am  a Psychology major and a Communication Minor at University of California Davis. I am passionate about social networking, consulting others, and mental health. Working in a psychology field is important for me because I have the opportunity to self-reflect and destigmatize mental health-related issues. This raises awareness to mental health and makes me feel more empowered. In the future, I hope to share my international learning  and working experiences and establish my career identity in the mental health and medial fields.

Fun Fact: I am bilingual!

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Data and Market Research '20

Tashi Delek, my name is Dolma! I am currently working on getting my Bachelor's at Colorado College, as a Psychology major. My goal is to pursue higher education and become a Clinical Psychologist. I am passionate about trying to help under served communities receive mental health services and breaking the taboo around psychology/therapy in Tibetan culture.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Fun Fact: I have zero coordination (but I'm working on it).



Podcast Intern '20

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Fun Fact: 

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Client Outreach Intern '20

Hola, my name is Monica Luna! I received my Bachelor's in Communication with a minor in Applied Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. I am passionate about raising awareness towards mental health within communities of color and getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. My goal is to become a licensed psychotherapist providing integrative and alternative healing methods.


Pronouns: She/Her/Ella



Course Creation Intern '20

Hola, my name is Leslye. I am a senior at California State University Northridge pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts with a minor in Psychology. I have a passion for working in community outreach and making people feel accepted and empowered. In addition, I enjoy working with children because I believe they are the next generation of people who will create change and challenge the status quo. I hope to further my education by attending graduate school in order to become a Marriage and Family therapist. 


Fun fact: I studied abroad in France! 

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers 

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Advertising and Marketing '20

Hello my name is Marlyn Curiel, I recently graduated from California State University Northridge with a Bachelor's Degree of Arts in Psychology. My goal is to pursue a higher education in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. My mission in my academic and professional journey is to gain as much knowledge and experience to be able to pave a way for others that are unsure of what route to take. 

Pronouns : she/her/hers 


Fun Fact: I am the oldest of 13 grandchildren. 

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