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Releasing my creative baby- FEMME GODDESS.

Tlazocamati for joining me in this journey towards liberacíon.

The close of Virgo Season and beginning of Libra Season.

I am a Libra Sun, Virgo Rising, and Scorpio Moon.

This Virgo season surfaced soooooo much for me. It forced me to confront my deep inner darkness, release what is not in alignment with my higher self and continuously shed skin. All of the deep pain and exhausting inner work that marked this season served its’ purpose. I experienced death, but am now going through an incredibly transformative rebirth.

Embodying Courage

The sun has moved to Libra and today marks the Autumnal Equinox. It is harvest season. Divine timing at its’ finest! ‘Femme Goddess’ started out as an intention early this year, I can’t believe the moment has come for me to finally release the beginning of my life’s work.

Calling on the resiliency, strength, and wisdom of my ancestors.

I am releasing fear, self doubt, perfectionism, and everything else that no longer serves me. Instead, I am trusting my inner compass, letting my intuition serve as my guide, allowing source within me to flow as it comes and recognizing that I am always evolving.

Con mucho cariño,


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